Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Dear Ethyl...
Here are some fun pics from January.  As of now,  Jes, Daniel and Jaci are still living here.  I still have the dog, but hopefully not for long.  I have been sick in bed for 5 days and am patiently waiting to see the light at the end of the tunnel.  I still don't feel like I've gone over the hump yet...Dang It!!

This is Daniel learning how the washer works for the first time.  He LOVED it!!  I had to keep my pinky in that little hole so it would go while the lid was open.  When it was done he wanted to see it again, so I made him hold his finger in the hole.  Daniel is happy doing anything with me or Papa.  He loves to help with chores and cooking and routine stuff.  It just takes a little time and patience with him and what good memories!

This is what happens when you keep me waiting.  I was headed out the driveway without him for our date. he he 


Dear Ethyl...
So the Sunday before Christmas we watched The Polar Express then sent the kids to bed.  We let them get to sleep.  While we were watching it Shaun recorded the sound of the train coming to the boys house. We blasted it and rattled the woodstove so the kids woke up.  Ahead of time we put tickets in their coats without them knowing.  Will was the conductor at the door and asked for their tickets.  We took hot chocolate and all piled into the back of Jaci's honda fit (no easy task), and drove around looking at Christmas lights while playing the polar express soundtrack.  Super cute idea and super fun... Thanks Pinterest!

Here are some pics from Christmas.  It was fun this year, and no my carpet is not blue, it's brown, but always looks blue when we take pics when its dark.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!!  We had a little family party plus Steve and Kathy,  complete with pinata, pizza, ice cream and everything.

Saturday, January 26, 2013


Dear Ethyl...
How long has it been now?  The truth of it is I have been too lazy to sit down and put my pics on my computer so I could put them on my blog.  Well, maybe lazy isn't the right word, maybe it's overwhelmed.
There has been lots going on and so I will try to quickly update you on some of the happenings.  Christmas was so good.  Everyone was here and it was just fun.  All my kids get along so well and they love to be with each other and that is the greatest blessing.  They pitched in and got me tickets to Donny and Marie, which I absolutely Loved!  He is my boyfriend you know.  During the first part of the show I leaned over and told Will that he was way sexier than Donny.  Then Donny sang a love song and I leaned over and told Will that Donny was pretty sexy and I might have to retract that last statement!  Kinda funny huh!
I went with Will one weekend to Park City while he certified for crossfit.  I got birthday money and shopped all day, then we went to dinner.  It was fun too.  I miss our motorcycle rides!
I have shopped a lot lately though.  Probably way too much, but I use it as a coping mechanism and a distraction technique.  The best one?  Probably not, but it works.  Lots to be distracted from the past couple of months.  Will and I are going to Hawaii soon and if I'm feeling better I will go with him to California for work in a couple of days.  I'm actually getting around to blogging because I'm stuck in bed with possibly whooping cough.  I will find out for sure on Monday, and yes, it's the pits!!  I wanted a rest, but this is not exactly what I had in mind. he he.  I am learning some new coping skills and getting to practice them so that is a bonus.  Jes and Daniel are still here and it's been fun having them.  We are all ready to get back to our own lives.  We think Shaun is going to get hired for a great job in Clearfield.  He has had 3 interviews and is just waiting for the CEO of the company to call him for a last interview anytime now.  Jaci moved in about a month ago also and it seems to be working well for her. She also quit her job at fantastic sams and is just working at Sizzler, which I think will help her tons!  She still feels stuck and is so sad because she never has any dates... at all.  She wants to so bad.  I don't get it at all. She tries to keep herself positive but it's hard for her.
 I signed up for 3 cross country ski lessons at sundance starting on Friday.  Hopefully I feel well enough to go.  Will and I haven't had much time together at all, but I know that won't last forever so I'm trying to be patient.  He's so cool!  It's just very winter here.  That's all.  But... the days are getting longer and there's the promise of spring and sunshine and motorcycle trips which make life worthwhile, don't you think?  I've been reading fun books and watching Gidget and Sabrina and Doris Day and I Love Lucy and Diners Drive-Ins and Dives.  We have also been talking about moving somewhere warm in a couple of years.  Sometimes it would be nice to go somewhere different and start all over.  Get out of the sameness and meet new people and make new friends.
I started a book club on the first Wed. of every month.  It's going ok.  I just needed some more social in my life.  
I have learned to categorize my thoughts into the keep pile and the discard pile and it's been helping a ton.  I have also categorized my priorities into Necessary and Accessories.  I found that there are only 6 things in the necessary column and everything else goes into accessories.  If it is in the accessory column I don't have to think about it, worry about it, or have any guilt over it.  There is Never any need to feel guilty over accessories.  Love It!!
I got a new phone and just tried to upload my pics to the computer and I don't know how so I will ask Shaun when they get back from Bunny Hunting. (with Will and Daniel)  Daniel wanted to take his pocket knife so he could cut off the bunny's head.  Such a boy!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Dear Ethyl..
The person who made up the fable called empty nesting was lying.  When Jesica turned 16, time for me sped up and I started looking to the future and worrying what my life would be like when my kids were gone from the house.  What would I do with my life?  What would my purpose be?  Do I even have a purpose?  Some questions might be better left unanswered, he he.  Pretty sure I spent the next 6 years worrying about it, even crying over it.  I am STILL wondering what life would be like when my kids all leave home...because they won't.  They have all moved out, but they just keep coming back, and coming back and coming back.  We really are trying to be empty nesters..no really! I love it when they come.  I realized there's a lesson that I need to learn first.  It's how to make Will the most important one, even in a crowd.  He has a problem with that too, so we get to practice.  Someday we will get it right.  It's busy right now, but it won't last long.  We are trying to learn what we need to and enjoy it while they are here. When you have a close family that's what happens I guess. Now we kind of get the best of both worlds. It is fun though when we get to pretend we're empty nesters. Is there such a thing as empty nesting?  I don't know... you tell me!


Dear Ethyl...
So...... Forgiveness is HARD!  I know, I know.  It's always been hard and it always will be hard, but seriously... It's soooo hard!!  The Lord commands us to forgive. So I try to be obedient.  I know it's for my own sake, I know it will make me feel better, and I know it's not my job to see justice done and punish the offending party...Dang it!!  I know I need to show mercy if I want any shown to me.  I know exactly what I should do and why I should do it.  SO WHY CAN'T I?  My head is willing, but my heart folds it's arms and stamps it's foot and glares me in the eye and says...MAKE ME!
I hate it when that happens!  It's easy to forgive when someone comes to you and apologizes for hurting you, but unfortunately that doesn't really happen all that often.  More often than not, there is no apology and therefore no resolution of the conflict so it is left to wander around in your mind and torment you like a bad toothache.  The bad thing is that when I refuse to forgive, I'm the one who keeps getting wounded over and over and over again.  This past week I finally got tired of being angry and holding out for an apology.  Anger is painful and it takes a lot of my energy.  It's not me.  It's not who I am inside.  I am not a mean person.  Not for long periods of time, anyway.  It's hard when you go to battle against yourself.  So I threw in the towel and hoisted the surrender flag.  I give up!  This war has been too hard on me. Somebody's gotta make the first move. So I apologized for being angry and for hurting someone's feelings and for not forgiving the party for months.  Then I repented for not forgiving and being angry, told the Lord I took the first step and asked Him to supply the feelings of charity that are supposed to go with it ( That are not there, not even close yet) But....  I feel like a giant weight has been lifted off of my life.  I feel like the old me again.  I can do favors for this person, I can say kind things when I am around them and I can smile.  Maybe the Lord is starting to supply the feelings after all?  Who knows?   Someday, I will get tired of being angry right at the beginning so I can skip the ugly middle part and move right into letting it go and getting on with my life.  What a wonderful thought....

Saturday, November 17, 2012


Dear Ethyl...
Thanks to my baby girl Jaci, Disney on Ice is now a yearly tradition for the Latham clan.  Well, most of us at least.  Well, all the girls and kids... Let's be honest.  Jaci started it about 4 years ago. Last year we went without her because she was on her mission.  It was sort of empty without her there.  So this year she got us tickets and we went again. Jaci, Jes, Hilary, Mom, Silvi, Daniel and I. Daniel LOVED IT!  He didn't go last year, can't remember why, but was sad that Jes went without him. He's waited a whole year to do this.  Jaci bought him a Phineas and Ferb shirt and beanie to wear.  He was so cute.  She bought him a $12 cotton candy with a crown and ears. Will and Tanner went on a man-date (he hates when I call it that) and saw the new James Bond movie. Shaun was out of town.  Dang it! I miss him!

Silvi was brave!  She had a bad toothache (had to have it pulled the next day) So sad she couldn't eat the cotton candy!

Daniel and his Goods!

The whale from Pinnochio

The finale... Toy story, Pinnochio, Lion King, Princesses, Aladdin and Mickey and the Gang.

And......  THE MELTDOWN!

Just having a good time


Dear Ethyl...
You have to acknowledge truth wherever you find it.