Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Dear Ethyl...
These are the shutters I got to put for the door of the Barracks, but I liked them on the wall next to the doorway better. Aren't they Fun?!


Dear Ethyl...
I've had quite a bit of energy the past 2 days. So I am making a list of what I've done...

Ran errands
Typed a monthly menu
Watered outside plants
Drained and Cleaned Pond
Wiped down all baseboards and doors
Washed all inside and outside windows
Made Hot Salsa for Will & bottled 21
Exercised both days
Washed sheets
Talked to family on the phone total 2 1/2 hrs

Those are the big things.  Will pointed out that when I talk to people about some things I do,
I refer to the reason I do things certain ways is because I'm lazy.  He told me to stop because lazy
is definitely NOT a word that describes me.  I have a hard time when I don't have something to do.
I'm learning to relax more and not to call relaxing being lazy. During the day I rarely sit down at all.
I kind of like it that way.

Ps... last night I found H.R. PuffinStuff on Netflix.  I used to watch it when I was a kid. So we watched
it last night. It is so corny but you know what?  I still like it !  It feels nostalgic and familiar and I really like
WitchyPoo.  DON'T JUDGE ME !


Dear Ethyl...
My Monday morning was frustrating and I wrote the CAN SOMEONE ELSE BE IN CHARGE post.
But... I got to finish reading TRES LECHES CUPCAKES  by Josi Kilpack. I Love Love Love that series of culinary mysteries. Then... Will brought me home some beautiful flowers. He is sooo romantic -  A Lot !
Then the boots I ordered from Amazon came and they were cute and they even fit me.  YAY !
The moral of the story...
Don't let one bad thing ruin your whole day  or  Don't judge a day by first impressions !

Mom and I went on a date while Will and Silvi went on a date.  I took her to Bajio's in Spanish Fork.
I took a picture of my nachos because if you notice there is chili beans and spanish rice on it. I never can eat that. Well, sometimes I just want to feel normal so I ordered it and ate it. IT WAS HEAVENLY !  I didn't even hurt afterwards. I don't dare eat like that very often, but it was so worth it !


Dear Ethyl...
We were all together for the weekend.  Well, not Tanner and Hilary.  We seem to get some of the kids every other weekend. Anyway, karaoke is always fun when Jaci comes. We just like being together. I'm so glad about that. I always wanted to have a close family and it takes a lot of work, but it is working. I always wanted a big family, living semi-close together, with lots of grandkids and doing lots of things together. I don't know how much of that will happen... but we will do the best we can.  We do love each other though and that's the most important thing !

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


My brother called me this morning and told me the most incredible story.  They were on the beach with Lucy and a storm started to brew.  So they left and went to the store and were in there for a while. When they came out the storm had pretty much cleared so they went back to the beach.  They heard a huge crash and saw a flash and there was a lightening strike and a man 30 ft away got hit by lightening.  When they got to the man, Paul says that he was dead when they got to him.  Kate started cpr and instructed another man how to do the breathing.  She revived him and he is in stable condition.  The Lord is so good and cares about everyone.  And Kate is totally amazing!!  When I am in a traumatic physical situation, I just walk around in circles... or drop my pants  he he! (inside family joke)
I love Paul and Kate and the kids and we miss them so much!  I am so proud of them for being brave and trying this adventure in the first place.  I would never have the courage to even attempt something like that.
They are all my heroes!

Monday, October 1, 2012


Dear Ethyl...
This is a short post all about frustration. My frustration to be exact!  I figured  out that it's just me lacking skills. I hate it when that happens! As the mom I try to coordinate schedules so we can have family time. It's almost impossible.  I don't even really have room to complain because our family is relatively small so it should be pretty easy OR I shouldn't be complaining because I have a family that loves each other and likes to be together.  Here is my hang up... I still have people issues. Not like I used to, mind you, I am improving a lot, but I have them all the same. Way down deep inside I am still a kid and still feel abandoned, forgotten and unloved.  I do pretty well most of the time because I am so blessed and have such a good life and a loving husband and wonderful kids!  But alas, (I love using that word) the evil monster still rears its ugly head way too often. It feels like I just chase people for their time and attention. I guess that's what happens when I am more social than a lot of other people.  Sometimes it just gets tiring doing all the chasing. Sometimes I want to be the one who is chased. Sometimes I want people to try to figure out their schedules so they can be with me.  I'm not quite sure what that feels like, but I'm sure it would be wonderful!  I am a 45 year OLD woman and I thought I would have worked through this by now. A friend of mine called it being mature when you can let go of that. I guess I haven't arrived at maturity yet. :o)
Dang the humanness of it all!!
 I want to have fun. I want everyone to have fun. Fun is important to me because it means love and closeness and good memories.  We didn't do anything with family really growing up and I didn't realize it was so hard to have fun and be close and keep families close. I also didn't realize that I would be the one doing the work.  It's good work and I would choose this over any other kind of work, and I guess anything worth having is worth working for.
This post it sounding an awful lot like a pity party so it's time to wrap it up... the party's over!
Nothing has been solved and I still don't have a plan worked out with my family this week.  I think I need to relax a little more and be more like Will and  wait until the very last minute before I make any plan at all.  It seems to work for him and he's NEVER frustrated! That's never been my personality, but I'm willing to try something new.  I also need to practice being like Jes who is better at making a plan and inviting people, and if they come they come and if they don't they don't.  It really doesn't bother her. She's my hero!
Someday it's not going to bother me either!  And until then.. I guess I'll just keep practicing!
PS....  Heavenly Father whispered to me a couple of days later that I've been living the law... An Eye for an Eye   In my mind.  That's why i am upset a lot.  So... I'm ready to stop doing that and I'm so glad it finally has a name so I can deal with it.